Monday, February 2, 2015

Life Goes On

I apologize for not posting very often. I keep forgetting I have a blog. Much has happened since I last posted.

In my last blog I forgot to mention that on January 10, 2014, my husbands father passed away. And my father passed away on December 21, 2014. We are unsure if Jeff's father ever received Christ as his personal Saviour, though there were many opportunities. My father was a Pastor and a missionary to Mexico for many years, and I am sure his Lord said, "Well done, my child, enter into the joy of the Lord."

We now have 6 grandchildren, our daughter Jennifer has 4 children - Anna age 6, Titus age 4, Audra age 2, and Timothy 4 months.

Our son, James has 2 children - Desirae age 2, and Adalyn 10 months. And as you can see by their shirts they are soon to have another. 

We were excited once again to be able to see them all. December 23, 2014 we returned to America for a one month trip to be at our son, Jacob's wedding on January 16, 2015, and to spend some time with both my mother and Jeff's mother.  Jeff's mother lives in Chicago and mine lives in Columbus, New Mexico. So the first week of January I flew to El Paso to see my mom, and Jeff spent a week with his mother.

My mother, Marianna Powell

My father was a veteran so my mother was presented with the flag at his funeral. I was not able to be there as I already had plans to be there the following week.

Now on the real exciting news - THE WEDDING! After a busy time of visits to family members and the flu, the BIG day arrived on January 16. Jacob and Stephanie were married at Fairhaven Baptist Church in Chesterton, Indiana.  They will stay there and attend church. Their future plans are to be missionaries to Belize. Please be in prayer for them as they make preparations.

It was a joyous event attended by all our children and grandchildren.

I forgot to mention that last year we also added a new member to our family here in Belarus, and here he is.  His name is Coal, and he is a long haired dachshund. He is a year old now.

And now you know the reason for the name of my blog - Helen's Ramblings. I do ramble a lot.


  1. Enjoyed this! Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  2. How nice to get to meet you and your family! Thanks for sharing your "ramblings" with us! Susan from France
